The history of Eliza Jan ( Lize ) van Rij 16-7-1913 (28) details
12 januari 1942 Eliza Jan van Rij served as Ltz II under commander A. C. van Versendaal on HMS Prins van Oranje.
The ship was sunk near the island of Boengoe.
Contact Gijs van Rij
Hr. MS Prins van Oranje
Eliza Jan van Rij was 2nd Lieutenant on board the miner HMS Prins van Oranje.
During WWII the Prins van Oranje was stationed in the (then) Dutch-Indies. In December 1942 the Prins van Oranje was laying a minefield near Tarakan. After the Japanese fleet reached Tarakan the Prins van Oranje tried to head for Surabaya. While doing so it was attacked by the Japanese destroyer Yamakaze and patrol boat 38. They eventually sunk the ship south of the island Boengoe. 102 crew members drowned, 16 managed to survive.
Plaquette met oa Eliza Jan van Rij
For the casualties of a.o. HMS Prins van Oranje a plaque is erected at the Dutch field of honor 'Kembang Kuning' at Surabaya.
Plaquette Maerlant HBS
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